April 4, 2023

Creepy Wolf Spiders in Washington - Removal Tips

Creeping around in dusty and forgotten corners is the lone wolf spider. While this pest is a common outdoor predator, wolf spiders can occasionally infest indoor areas. 

Known for their size, wolf spiders frighten residents across Washington each year. But do these creepy crawlers pose any danger inside your home?

Keep reading to learn more about wolf spiders in Washington state! Whenever you have a spider infestation, be sure to give Zunex Pest Control a call!

Are Wolf Spiders Venomous?

Surprisingly, most spider species across the country are venomous. Only two species of spiders lack venom glands and utilize other measures to incapacitate their prey. 

Wolf spiders are technically venomous, but their poison isn’t typically harmful to humans. While you may have uncomfortable symptoms following a wolf spider bite, you shouldn’t require medical attention unless you’re allergic to spider bites. 

In Washington, black widow spiders are generally the only species you should avoid because of their strong venom and painful bite. Other notable spiders like the brown recluse primarily live in southern and midwestern states. 

Washington is home to the yellow sac spider, considered a spider of medical significance to the Washington State Department of Health. The bite can cause skin lesions, but yellow sac spider bites can't cause serious reactions or death. 

Despite their frightening appearance, wolf spiders won’t cause you any trouble. If you notice adverse reactions following a wolf spider bite, consider contacting a medical professional to check for an allergic reaction. 

Identifying Wolf Spiders

While wolf spiders aren’t traditionally dangerous, it’s still helpful to know what kind of spider infestation you have in your home. Wolf spiders in Washington may look similar to other house spiders, so keep an eye out for these creepy critters. 

All spiders have eight legs, but many of these pests have different sets of eyes. Wolf spiders have eight eyes on their face, arranged in two rows of two eyes followed by a set of four eyes on the bottom. You can easily spot a wolf spider from its two large eyes in the center of its face. 

Unlike the common house spider or the hobo spider, wolf spiders are notoriously hairy. Tarantulas may be known for their fuzzy locks, but wolf spiders stand out with their long leg and body hair. 

Wolf spiders are much larger than many Washington spiders, too. Giant house spiders are the largest in the state, but wolf spiders are still sizable pests. Some types can grow up to 2 inches long!

Ranging in shades of black and brown, wolf spiders generally blend into the color of the landscape. Many residents typically see tan and brown pests sneaking indoors or resting outside in their yards. 

Another feature of wolf spiders is their manner of reproduction. Mother wolf spiders carry their young on their backs until they grow large enough to survive on their own. Considering these spiders can birth up to 100 babies, they have quite the load to carry!

Should I Kill Wolf Spiders in Washington? 

Whenever you find a spider inside, you’ll want to get this pest gone fast! One spider is scary enough, and multiple pests can quickly become a significant problem. 

Wolf spiders are solitary arachnids. Unlike other common spiders, these pests won’t spin intricate webs. Instead, wolf spiders prefer to hunt for their prey by jumping on whatever insect they find.

If you see one wolf spider indoors, it’s unlikely you’ll find more than one hiding out. Wolf spiders typically prefer outdoor habitats and avoid interacting with humans. Unless you have a substantial indoor insect infestation, wolf spiders won’t come inside.

These spiders consume many insects we view as nuisances, like ants, grubs, wasps, flies, and crickets. For homeowners with existing bug problems, wolf spiders may be a welcome addition to your home. 

However, homes with extensive insect issues could have significant wolf spider infestations that will only grow as the arachnids breed and give birth. Large groups of spiders indoors may indicate a serious problem that only pest control can remedy. 

Plus, no one wants to have dozens of creepy pests inside!

Removing Wolf Spiders

If you want wolf spiders gone from your home, we have tips to help you out! 

The easiest way to get rid of spiders is to eliminate their entry points and food sources. Any open gaps or cracks could provide these critters enough space to squeeze through in search of shelter or nutrition. 

Wolf spiders in Washington typically congregate around easy-to-enter areas around doorways. If your doors and windows can’t shut correctly, spiders may head indoors as the temperatures outside drop. 

Realigning poorly fitting windows and doors can spare you serious insect issues and keep spiders from sneaking inside. Before embarking on any DIY exterior home fixes, check out this article for more information! 

Sticky spider traps are another great way to get rid of these stubborn eight-legged pests. Because spiders prefer to bed down in forgotten corners, you may not notice an unseen infestation until the pests quickly grow in numbers. 

With glue traps, you can deal with your spider problem without getting your hands dirty. Just place the traps in areas where you normally see spiders and wait for the pests to collect on the sticky substance. 

Avoid stepping on any wolf spiders you see. While it’s an easy fix to a frightening problem, you may end up with more pests in your home than anticipated!

Because female wolf spiders carry their young on their backs, stepping on the larger spider could disperse the other pests around your room. No one wants a houseful of tiny, growing spiders!

If you’re curious about how an adult spider carries her children, check out this video!

Whenever spiders trouble you, you can always turn to Zunex Pest Control to lend a hand! We can gladly remove wolf spiders in Washington state homes around the Greater Puget Sound area.

Don’t struggle with creepy crawlers alone! Contact us today to schedule an appointment or learn more about our pest control services. 

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