August 23, 2023

6 Common Household Spiders You May See in Your Home

Ever been in a staring contest with a spider hanging out on your wall? It's the classic 'who's more surprised' moment. Spiders are like those unofficial roommates we didn't invite over. But that doesn’t mean you have to live with them forever!

Join us as we dig into the realm of common household spiders – getting to know their quirks, tackling the issues they bring, and arming you with strategies to give them a polite eviction notice.

House Spider

As their name suggests, house spiders are common in many households. Recognizable by its long legs and varying shades of brown, this spider creates irregular, tangled cobwebs in corners, window sills, and other quiet spots. Its preference for dark and undisturbed areas often leads to its accidental discovery while cleaning or moving furniture.

Cellar Spider

The cellar spider, also referred to as the daddy long-legs spider, has a unique appearance with its long, delicate legs and compact body. You can often find these spiders in dark, damp places like basements, cellars, and crawl spaces.

Despite their delicate looks, cellar spiders are skilled at catching prey. They use their silk to trap unsuspecting insects and vibrate their webs to confuse and repel predators.

Jumping Spider

Jumping spiders stand out with their compact bodies, short legs, and distinctive eye arrangement. Their front-facing eyes grant them excellent vision, turning them into proficient hunters. These spiders possess agility reminiscent of acrobats and are renowned for their impressive leaping abilities when pouncing on unsuspecting prey.

Brown Recluse Spider

The brown recluse spider is infamous for its venomous bite, which can lead to tissue necrosis and skin lesions. Easily recognizable by the violin-shaped marking on its abdomen, you may catch sight of this elusive pest in dark and undisturbed environments like basements, closets, and attics.

Although bites from brown recluse spiders are relatively uncommon, they should be managed cautiously. These bites can result in discomfort and localized symptoms, occasionally progressing to severe reactions.

Black Widow Spider

The black widow spider is characterized by its shiny black body and distinctive red hourglass marking. Often found in dark and sheltered areas like woodpiles, garages, and sheds, these spiders possess venom that contains potent neurotoxins.

While black widow bites are not as common as their reputation might suggest, they can cause severe symptoms. Bites often result in localized pain, muscle cramps, and other discomfort. Seeking medical attention if bitten is crucial, especially for individuals who might experience more severe reactions. Caution is advised when encountering black widows, and preventative measures should be taken to minimize their presence in and around your living spaces.

Orb Weaver Spider

Members of the Araneidae family, orb weaver spiders stand out with their intricate, circular webs. They've earned a reputation as adept predators of airborne insects, trapping their prey within the precisely constructed webs they weave.

These spiders come in diverse sizes and colors, frequently showcasing captivating patterns on their abdomens. Gardens, windows, and vegetation often play host to them. Despite their occasionally imposing appearance, orb weavers don't typically pose a threat to humans.

Controlling and Eliminating Common Household Spiders

Dealing with ever-present common household spiders can make homeowners feel on edge. That's why we've covered you with solid strategies to handle and kick out these unwelcome guests from your living spaces!

Black widow spider crawling on tan tile

Keep It Clean

The battle against household spiders begins with cleanliness. Thoroughly vacuum and dust corners, ceilings, and shadowy crevices where spiders construct their silken strongholds. Removing leftover food and crumbs will keep any potential prey at bay.

Shutting Down Their Invasion Routes

Seal off their potential entry points – gaps, cracks, and crevices – in windows, doors, and foundations. Use caulk, weatherstripping, or mesh screens to keep them from sneaking indoors.

Yard Maintenance

Take the battle outside by trimming overgrown vegetation, eliminating debris, and relocating woodpiles from your property's perimeter. You can significantly curtail an infestation by denying them the luxury of spider-friendly environments.

Switch Up Your Lighting

Outdoor lighting illuminates your surroundings and unwittingly lures insects – a feast for spiders. Use motion-sensor lights and dim outdoor lighting to keep potential pests and spiders away.

Natural Repellents

Peppermint, lavender, and citrus essential oils have strong repellent properties. Mix these oils with water and create a barrier by spraying them at entry points, windowsills, and other vulnerable areas.

Try a Vacuum Out for Size

Get serious about tackling the issue by using your vacuum as a tool. Suck up spiders, their egg sacs, and their webs. This approach eliminates the current problem and shows other spiders they're not welcome.

Utilize a Dehumidifiers

Spiders thrive in humid habitats. Counter their plans by using dehumidifiers to create an unfavorable atmosphere. Deny them the moist hideouts they seek, and they'll be compelled to retreat!

Eliminate Clutter

Reduce their hiding places by tidying up storage areas. Eliminate their spots to hide and make their sneaky plans ineffective.

Minimize Their Prey

Take the fight to the source by eradicating the insects that sustain their presence. Implement potent pest control measures to diminish the insect population around your home, leaving the spiders without anything to snack on.

At Zunex Pest Control, we're with you on your journey to a spider-free haven. Our goal is crystal clear: to free up your living spaces from those uninvited eight-legged guests using smart, focused, and practical approaches.

Don't hesitate to connect with us today for a friendly chat – let's team up to keep those pesky intruders out and your home secure and cozy.

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