December 6, 2022

Understanding Wasp Season in Washington State

Whenever the weather slightly warms, wasps appear to come out in droves. But is there a wasp season where these pests are more prominent?

Keep reading to understand wasp seasonality in Washington and across the United States. Plus, remember that no matter what time of year, Zunex Pest Control can quickly eliminate stubborn pests like wasps, ants, roaches, rodents, and bed bugs!

When to Expect Wasps in Washington

No matter what time of year, planning for a wasp infestation is always a good idea. These pests can overtake your lawn, eliminating existing insects like bees. 

During the fall months, newly mated female wasps find hiding spots to escape the chilly winter weather. Typically, they search for brush, wood, or leaf piles to stick out until the temperatures rise in the spring. 

Once the weather heats up, the female wasp begins construction on her nest, laying her eggs fertilized from last year. Once her young hatches, the queen wasp can kick up her feet and relax as her children take over.

From March to May, wasps actively work to create and establish their nests for the upcoming summer. You may not spot them flitting around your yard during this time, but they’re still out and about creating their home. 

Peak wasp season in Washington can begin in late June, but most homeowners have problems with wasps during the late summer months. 

Unlike other insects that hoard and collect food, wasps are opportunistic hunters that catch and eat food as they please. Wasps become major problems whenever food sources start to dwindle, and they begin to turn toward your home for additional treats. 

Expect to see more aggressive wasps from the latter days of August to mid-October. While wasps die out during the chillier fall temperatures, they will stick around as long as the food lasts and the temperatures remain warm enough to survive. 

Wasp Season Across the Country

While the temperatures may affect the number of wasps you see in each state, the season is generally the same in the United States. 

Wasps begin venturing out during March and April, particularly in hotter climates. States that stay humid and warm throughout the year could see wasps sooner or have consistent insect issues through the winter!

In the American south, residents could see bustling wasp hives as early as May, with these stinging insects crawling and flying around in yards and other outside structures. Because wasps are pollinators who consume nectar and pollen, their populations tend to boom whenever the flowers and plants grow. 

Homeowners typically notice wasps at an all-time high during July and August. The summer temperatures are usually their hottest during these months, and wasps rapidly begin producing more colony members during the summer heat. 

During this time, queen wasps may produce reproductive wasps that eventually mature and exit the hive to create their residences. The wasps won’t depart until the mating season in the fall, so they will continue to develop in the hive.

Beyond their seasonal activity, wasps are more frequently active during the afternoon, with their presence dying down during the night and early morning hours. Wasps aren’t nocturnal and avoid creeping out when the sun starts to set. 

Wasps in the Winter

So, when does wasp season end, and where do wasps go whenever the winter weather hits?

Unlike ants, termites, and some spiders, wasps have a relatively short life cycle. Even in ideal conditions, a wasp queen won’t last longer than a year. Work wasps only live for a few weeks at a time too. 

Because of their relatively short lifespan, wasp colonies tend to diminish during the fall, with the populations slowly dying out as the winter chill sets begin. 

Wasps are always ill-prepared for the colder months, and a lack of food and viable shelter would take them out even if they managed to survive longer than a few months. 

You can stop worrying about active wasp nests by the end of October in most places around the United States. Even if some populations stick around, they won’t be a significant issue because of the hives’ decreasing numbers.

Tips for Combating Wasps 

While it’s a relief that wasps won’t bother you all year, you should keep up with these top tips guaranteed to reduce the number of wasps populating your yard. 

Decreasing the number of prey insects in your yard should reduce the wasps you see. While adult wasps won’t eat insects or spiders, they will catch them for the developing young to consume. 

Reduce the food wasps can access while you’re enjoying picnics or barbeques in your yard. Foraging wasps may take a bite out of your cooked meats for the developing larvae or take a sip out of sweet drinks. 

Make sure to cover unused cans of juice, soft drinks, or alcohol to discourage wasps from flying too close to you or your home. Never leave any food unattended either, as wasps may flock to the area when you’re not looking!

If any of your preventive measures don’t work, you can always opt for hands-on pest control alternatives to target pests directly during wasp season in Washington and across the country. 

You can purchase wasp traps and bait from garden and hardware stores or find another product online. For these options, follow the label instructions and position the traps wherever wasps are most common. 

For our DIY enthusiasts, you can create a variety of homemade traps and baits to eliminate pesky wasps flying around your yard or home. Some only require a 2-liter bottle, water, and a sweet substance!

Check out this video below for an in-depth look at how to create a DIY wasp trap and try it out for yourself!

If all else fails, we caution you against removing the wasp hive yourself. These pests are hazardous and will exit their hives in droves to attack once threatened. 

For a no-stress and hands-off pest control experience, contact us here at Zunex Pest Control! You won’t have to worry about surviving wasp season with us covering your pest control problems!

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