June 6, 2024

Ticks in Washington State: Stay Safe this Summer!

Washington State has lush forests, breathtaking mountains, and stunning coastal views. But did you know that hidden within these natural wonders are tiny bloodsuckers that can pose a serious threat to your health? 

That's right. We're talking about ticks

Ticks in Washington state can transmit dangerous diseases like Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and more. But ticks aren't just found in the wilderness – they can also lurk in your backyard! 

As the weather warms up and we spend more time outside, we must be aware of the tick population and its potential risks. In this blog, we'll cover everything you need to know about ticks you may find on your property.

Western Black-legged Tick

Are you ready to explore the beautiful outdoors of Washington State? Don't let the western black-legged tick stop you in your tracks! 

They love to hide in damp, shaded areas like the base of trees, piles of leaves, wooded areas, brushy fields, and hiking trails all over the state. 

To protect yourself, wear long pants and sleeves and tuck your pants into your socks to prevent these pesky ticks from crawling up your legs. Insect repellents are also excellent for keeping these ticks at bay. 

Because these pests are most common during hiking trips, also check yourself and your pets for ticks once you return. Be sure to look in hard-to-see spots like your scalp, behind your ears, and under your arms and legs. 

But it's not just the wilderness you need to worry about. These ticks also live in suburban and urban areas with lots of vegetation and wildlife. 

So, get out and enjoy all that Washington State has to offer; just remember to take precautions against the western black-legged tick.

Western Dog Tick

Washington State's vast outdoor landscapes are a haven for all sorts of creatures, including the western dog tick. While they aren’t the smallest ticks in Washington state, they’re still tiny enough to cause problems!

You can find these pests almost anywhere, like grassy fields, wooded trails, and even in your backyard. 

Unlike its shady-loving counterpart, the western black-legged tick, the western dog tick prefers the great outdoors and can easily make itself at home in your pet's fur or your clothes.

These blood-sucking parasites can transmit dangerous diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever and tularemia to humans and animals, making it essential to take precautions before venturing outside. 

Western dog tick prevention is similar to how you should handle black-legged ticks. Before heading outdoors, dress in light-colored clothing to spot the ticks as they latch onto you, and 

tuck your pants into your socks to prevent unwelcome guests from crawling up your legs. 

Insect repellent is a must, but check yourself, your family, and your pets thoroughly for ticks once you return from any outdoor activity.

These sneaky creatures often hide in hard-to-see areas, so it's essential to be thorough. If you find a tick, use a pair of tweezers to remove it as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight out.

Rocky Mountain Wood Tick

Rocky Mountain wood ticks may sound like harmless creatures, but these reddish-brown ticks can be one of Washington state's most common carriers of severe illnesses. 

They aren’t picky with their habitats; you can find them lurking in forests, shrublands, and grassy areas. Before venturing into these tick-infested areas, follow our recommendations. These ticks have a hefty appetite and stick around on many wild animals that frequent these spaces, like deer and rodents. 

And if they can feast on those animals, you better believe they'll have no qualms about making a meal out of humans as well.

While it’s easy to prevent tick bites as you hike, controlling the tick population in your backyard is more complicated. When in doubt, trust us here at Zunex to keep the ticks on your property at bay!

Protecting Yourself Against Ticks in Washington State

Ticks may be small, but they can cause big problems. These blood-sucking parasites carry a range of diseases that can affect both humans and animals, making it essential to protect yourself and your loved ones from their harmful effects.

Start by eliminating their habitat on your property. Ticks thrive in moist, shaded areas, so try to keep your lawn well-trimmed and free of debris where ticks can hide. You can also create a barrier between your property and wooded areas with gravel or wood chips to prevent ticks from crossing into your yard.

Check out this guide for more information!

If you find a tick, use tweezers to remove it as close to the skin as possible and pull it straight out. Clean the bite area with soap and water or rubbing alcohol and monitor it for signs of infection or illness.

To keep these pests away from your pets, check them regularly for ticks and use tick prevention products such as collars, sprays, or topical treatments. Regular flea and tick prevention medications can reduce their risk of contracting tick-borne illnesses.

In addition to these measures, consulting with a professional pest control company can provide you with specialized tick elimination services. At Zunex pest control, our technicians can assess your property, identify infested areas, and develop a customized plan to eliminate ticks and reduce the risk of tick-borne illnesses.

Let us help you stay safe from ticks in Washington state!

By taking these precautions, you can significantly reduce your risk of contracting tick-borne diseases and protect yourself, your family, and your pets from the dangers of ticks on your property.

Contact us for more information and to schedule a treatment with us today!

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