September 5, 2023

Thatching Ants Control in Washington State

Known for their large mounds, you may see thatching ants as you hike through many of Washington state’s parks. However, these ants can also invade your backyard!

Thatching ants in Washington state are an issue when they build nests uncontrolled. In wooded areas, these nests can grow around 5 feet tall!

If you have thatching ants in your backyard, you’ll want to act quickly before their colony further grows. Here are some tips to eliminate thatching ants in Washington state! 

Thatching Ant or Carpenter Ant? 

At first glance, you may mistake a carpenter ant for a thatching ant. While they may be similar in size and appearance, these two ants have significant differences in behaviors and habitats. 

Carpenter ants prefer to nest within rotten or damp wood. Outdoors, these pests bore through water-logged branches and logs to make their homes. Water-damaged areas in homes can also house nests for these destructive ants. 

If you have a carpenter ant infestation, they will bore through your home’s wooden structures. While they do not consume any of the wood shavings, they can compromise the integrity of your home with their intricate nests. 

Thatching ants only build their nests outdoors, so you shouldn’t worry about sharing your home with these pests. You can easily distinguish a thatching ant nest from its sheer height and width. You can see twigs and grass intermingled within the nests. 

Are Thatching Ants a Threat in Washington State?

Thatching ants aren’t poisonous, but they do deliver a painful bite. Like most other ant species, they will eject formic acid to create a stinging bite. You shouldn’t have any residual side effects from a thatching ant bite, and all symptoms should subside within a few days. 

In your yard, thatching ants can lay waste to your grass and nearby plants. While these ants won’t necessarily consume the foliage, they will take what they need to create their nests. 

However, thatching ants aren't a danger to your front yard. While they may bite you and take up a large portion of your yard, they aren’t a danger. In fact, they can help you if you have a bug problem of your own. 

Thatching ants feast on many common garden pests that destroy your flowers and plants. If you have insects in your vegetable garden, thatching ants could reduce the population and protect your plants! 

These pests also have many predators that could keep their numbers down. Various birds will feed on the ants by picking them off as the ants roam around their mounds. While thatching ants become aggressive when faced with predators, their populations can still easily be picked off by natural threats. 

What Attracts Thatching Ants in Your Home? 

Like other ants, thatching ants will go inside to look for different sources of food. Thatching ants will feed on honeydew in the wild and gravitate toward sweet substances when they come indoors. 

While thatching ants also prey on other insects outdoors, they may shop around in your pantry. Your cereal, sugar, bread, and sweets could be targets for these pesky insects. If you want to keep these pests away, try out these tips:

  • Keep all food in plastic containers
  • Clean up all food scraps 
  • Avoid leaving garbage bags out 
  • Wipe up counters
  • Sweep your floors

Thatching Ants in your Home? Try these Tips!

Thatching ants typically remain outdoors, but you could see them heading indoors for a quick bite. If you begin seeing thatching ants inside, verify that you haven’t stumbled upon carpenter ants. Because of their similar appearances, it’s easy to mistake the two.

A carpenter ant infestation is harder to control and more difficult to treat. If you’re unsure about the ants in your home, give Zunex a call to help out! We can handle any pest and offer free reservices with our general pest control services. 

If you’re interested in keeping thatching ants out of your home in Washington state, check out these methods. 

Prevent Thatching Ants by Repairing Areas in your Home

Ants can enter your home through small and seemingly insignificant cracks. While these areas may not seem important, small pests like ants can easily climb in and out of your home. 

If you notice any damage to your home after spotting thatching ants, try patching open crevices with plaster, stucco, or caulk. Minor cracks are easy to repair, but consult a professional if you have any large home damage. 

When ants begin crawling inside through your doors or windows, ensure that they are closing correctly. Any window or door gaps could allow these pests to sneak inside. Window screens and door seals can help prevent pests from coming inside. 

Use Diatomaceous Earth or Borax

When you spot an anthill outside or see a few worker ants climbing in your kitchen, you have some DIY alternatives to rely on. 

Diatomaceous earth is a relatively safe way to handle any ant infestation and can remove thatching ants from your Washington state property. This powdery product will destroy the ants' exoskeletons and make it difficult for them to maintain moisture. 

If you sprinkle the powder directly on their ant bed or areas they frequent, they will return to the colony and distribute it among the other ants.

Using borax will work similarly. Mix the borax with sugar and apply it in similar locations. They will flock toward the sugary material and die after the borax impacts their nervous systems. 

Purchase food-grade diatomaceous earth to keep yourself and other animals safe. Your pets will not be harmed if they accidentally consume any powder. However, avoid breathing in the powder as it could irritate your lungs. 

Be careful where you place your borax mixture. When eaten, it can make you or your animals extremely sick. Keep this out of reach of children and pets as they could easily tamper with the ant bait.

Still Suffering from a Thatching Ant Infestation? Call Zunex! 

Zunex knows that dealing with pests isn’t easy. Ants are hard insects to handle, especially if you can’t locate their nest or entry points. 

When you want to eliminate an ant infestation in your yard or kitchen, let us help you out. We can quickly remove the ants from your home and take care of the nest at the source. Through our general pest control services, we will also return to your home if any other thatching ants pop up. 

Give us a call today for all of your pest control needs!

By Allison Clayton

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