June 18, 2023

Pet-Safe Ant Spray: 3 DIY Alternatives

Ants are tiny, but their presence can disrupt the harmony of our homes, particularly regarding the well-being of our pets. At Zunex, we offer pet-friendly solutions, but many at-home products can complement professional pest control services well. 

You can create a pet-safe ant spray from ingredients on the store shelves or in your pantry! Keep reading to learn how to repel and deter ants while ensuring our four-legged companions' safety and comfort. 

Pet Safe Ant Sprays to Try At Home

These homemade sprays not only effectively repel ants but also prioritize the well-being of your beloved pets, providing a safe and pet-friendly alternative to conventional store-bought treatments.

Vinegar and Water Spray

Start by preparing a solution of equal parts white vinegar and water. Mix around 1 cup of vinegar with 1 cup of water in a spray bottle, doubling the recipe for larger batches. Shake the spray bottle well to ensure that the vinegar and water are thoroughly mixed.

Water and vinegar mixed together in a clear and black spray bottle, a way to make a pet-safe ant spray

Identify areas where you have noticed ant activity, such as entry points, ant trails, or where you have seen them congregating. Directly spray the solution onto the ants or along ant hotspots to eliminate the pests and remove their pheromone trails

Applying vinegar to these trails interferes with their communication system, leaving the ants disoriented and unable to find their way.

Additionally, ants are naturally repelled by the pungent odor of vinegar and regularly avoid entering or exploring spaces where vinegar is abundant. However, hungry ants aren’t likely to stray away from food-rich areas, so don’t be surprised if you notice a few pests lingering around in uncleaned spots.

While vinegar is generally safe for humans and pets, the strong odor might be overpowering, especially for animals with sensitive noses. It's advisable to keep your pets away from the treated areas until the vinegar has dried completely.

For best results, repeat the process as needed, especially after cleaning or when you notice new ant activity in different areas of your home or yard.

Lemon Juice Spray

Making a pet-safe ant spray using lemon juice is a simple and effective method you can also try with just a few ingredients. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  • Squeeze the juice of one or two lemons into a small bowl or container. You can use fresh lemons or bottled lemon juice.
  • Dilute the lemon juice with an equal amount of water. For example, if you have 1/4 cup of lemon juice, mix it with 1/4 cup of water. This dilution helps prevent any potential skin irritation for both pets and humans.
  • Stir the mixture well to combine the lemon juice and water thoroughly.
  • Transfer the lemon juice and water solution into a spray bottle. You can use a clean, empty spray bottle or purchase one from a store.
  • Identify areas where you have noticed ant activity, such as entry points, trails, or spots where ants gather.
  • Spray the lemon juice solution wherever you see ants indoors. 

Dozens of yellow lemons balanced on top each other

Repeat the process as necessary, especially after cleaning or when you observe new ant activity in different areas.

Remember, while lemon juice is generally safe for pets, keeping them away from the treated areas until the lemon juice spray has dried is still advisable. To ensure compatibility, perform a patch test on a small, inconspicuous area before spraying the solution on delicate or sensitive surfaces.

Dish Soap and Water Spray

Want to repel ants and keep your home squeaky clean too? Try making a pet-safe ant spray using dish soap and water. Follow these simple steps!

  • Fill a clean spray bottle with water, leaving enough space at the top to add dish soap. Using warm water can help dissolve the soap more effectively.
  • Add a few drops of liquid dish soap to the water in the spray bottle. Choose a mild, unscented dish soap to minimize potential skin irritations for pets and humans. Stir the mixture gently to avoid excessive foaming.
  • Shake the spray bottle gently to ensure the dish soap and water are well mixed.

Person washing their hands at a sink with a sink full of dishes

The soap in the mixture destroys the protective waxy layer on the ants' bodies, causing them to dehydrate and suffocate. Although this homemade ant spray is considered safe for pets, exercising caution and minimizing their exposure to any cleaning solution is always advisable.

Contact Zunex for Ant Control!

Remember to shake these homemade ant sprays well before each use and conduct a patch test in an inconspicuous area to ensure compatibility with the surfaces you plan to treat. These sprays are generally safe for pets, but we suggest keeping them away until the sprays have worked their magic. 

Creating pet-safe ant sprays using natural ingredients is a great way to tackle minor ant issues. However, it's essential to acknowledge that severe infestations or persistent ant problems require professional expertise. 

At Zunex Pest Control, we have the knowledge, experience, and specialized tools to handle all levels of ant infestations effectively. Our trained technicians can assess.

Your pet's safety and your peace of mind are our top priorities. Don't hesitate to contact Zunex Pest Control for reliable, professional assistance resolving your ant infestation!

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