June 4, 2024

Identifying 6 Types of Mice Sounds

If you've ever heard strange noises coming from your walls or attic, you might be dealing with an uninvited guest: house mice. These tiny rodents make a surprising amount of noise, and understanding what these sounds mean can help you identify and address a potential infestation early!

Mice sounds are more than just a nuisance; they can indicate a serious infestation hiding in your walls. Let's dive into the types of sounds mice make, why they make them, and how to deal with these pesky critters in your home!

Types of Sounds Mice Make

Mice might be small, but they are surprisingly noisy! Understanding the different types of sounds they make can help you locate and determine the extent of the infestations. Here are the most common mouse-associated signs!

Chirping and Squeaking

Mice are social creatures and use a variety of vocalizations to communicate with one another. These pests use chirps and squeaks to convey information to each other, which can include warnings of danger, locating food, or social interactions.

For example, when mice are in distress, they might emit louder and more frequent squeaks. This may be because they’re trapped, injured, or cornered by a predator. During mating season, you might hear an increase in vocalizations as male mice try to attract females.

Scratching and Scurrying

If you hear scratching or scurrying sounds, mice are likely moving around inside your walls, ceiling, or under your floorboards.

Mice are busy creatures and often make noise while gathering materials for their nests. If you hear a subtle scratching noise in your walls or above your head, you may be hearing them pulling apart insulation, paper, or other materials to create a suitable nesting spot.

Mice are also naturally curious and scurry around your home searching for food and water. They prefer to be active at night when it’s quiet and dark, so you may notice the pitter-patter of tiny feet as they look for their next meal.

Gnawing and Chewing

Mice have ever-growing incisors and need to gnaw on objects to keep them trimmed.

To get into your home or move around within it, mice might gnaw through wood, drywall, and even electrical wiring. Once indoors, they’ll gnaw on wood, plastics, and even soft metals to wear down their teeth and reach food.

Identify Mice Sounds in Your Home

Hearing strange noises can send a shiver down your spine. Knowing what to listen for can help you figure out if you have an infestation and learn where these pests are hiding in your home.

Here are a few places you may hear these pests scurrying around:

  • Attics: Mice prefer attics because they provide warmth, shelter, and a secluded area for nesting. Listen for scratching, scurrying, and gnawing sounds coming from above.
  • Walls: One of the most common places to hear mice is inside your walls. If you hear consistent scratching or faint rustling within your walls, it’s a strong indicator that mice are present.
  • Basements: Basements can be attractive to mice because of the hiding spots and potential food sources. Pay attention to noises in darker, less frequently visited areas of your basement.
  • Under Floorboards: Mice can also nest under your floorboards. Listen for scurrying sounds, especially in rooms that are closer to ground level or have access to crawl spaces.

Here are some of the differences between the noises you may hear:

  • Scratching: Scratching sounds from mice are usually light and repetitive as they pull apart materials for nesting or try to access food. These sounds are softer and quicker than other noises.
  • Scurrying: The sound of mice scurrying is distinct because it’s rapid and involves tiny footsteps. This noise is different from the heavier, slower footsteps of larger pests like rats.
  • Gnawing: Gnawing sounds from mice are high-pitched and repetitive as they chew through wood, plastic, or other materials. This is different from the lower-pitched, crunchier noise of insects chewing.
  • Vocalizations: Mice make high-pitched squeaks and chirps, which are usually softer and more frequent than the sounds made by larger animals or birds trapped indoors.

But when is the most likely time to hear mice? Mice are nocturnal creatures, which means they are most active during the night. You are more likely to hear them moving around, searching for food, and making nests when your house is quiet and dark.

While nighttime is their peak activity period, you might also hear mice during the early morning hours before sunrise or late in the evening after sunset.

Eliminate Mouse Infestations in Washington & Utah

When dealing with a rodent infestation, it’s best to call on professionals for effective and lasting results. Pest control specialists have the expertise, tools, and knowledge to identify and address the root of the problem.

By hiring a professional pest control service, you can safeguard your home, health, and peace of mind, knowing that experts are handling the situation. Don’t let mice take over your space—contact us to keep your home rodent-free!

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