As mosquitoes swarm around your legs during warm summer nights, it’s no surprise to wake up with small red bites. Besides the occasional scratch, you probably aren’t too concerned about your average insect bite.
However, not all bug bites are benign. Some insects are highly poisonous, while others can cause severe allergic reactions.
You should know the best insect bite treatment for any pest. Understanding how to treat your injuries can help determine if you require medical assistance.
Here are some tips for effective insect bite treatments and the signs to look out for if you’re bitten by a dangerous insect!
These pests are so common during the summer that you can usually expect to return indoors with a bite or two. Typically, mosquitoes are nothing more than an annoying nuisance and won’t cause significant damage.
However, these tiny pests can leave quite a mark. Mosquitoes carry several dangerous diseases and can transmit them to humans. You could catch the West Nile virus, the Zika virus, malaria, and a host of other ailments from these insects.
A good bug spray can keep mosquitoes at bay, but you should always keep an eye on any bug bites.
Avoid scratching the mosquito bite. If you continually irritate the area, the bite could become infected or take longer to heal. Apply an itch cream or an antibacterial ointment to lessen the symptoms of your bug bite.
If your bug bite isn’t swiftly healing or you’re experiencing alarming symptoms, you could have contracted something from the mosquito bites. Look out for the signs of the following diseases and contact a doctor if your symptoms continue.
West Nile Virus
Zika Virus
Because many of the symptoms of these diseases overlap, it’s always a good idea to visit a doctor for your insect bite treatment if you get sick following a mosquito bite.
Wasps are highly aggressive pests that can deliver a painful sting once threatened.
Yellowjackets prefer to build underground nests. Hornets typically build nests in hollow trees or wall voids. You can also spot other wasps constructing their hives in garages, attics, porches, or bushes. These pests can quickly take over areas of your home with their large numbers.
Because these fierce insects will go to great lengths to protect their hives, you could get stung if you stray too close. Yellowjackets may even trail after you to attack. Because their underground hives are difficult to find, you could accidentally stumble upon their home before you’ve realized their presence.
If you are stung by a wasp, try to exit the area swiftly as more insects may be nearby. Multiple insect stings can cause serious harm even if you aren’t allergic to wasp stings. Wasps typically do not eject their stingers, so you shouldn’t worry about the tiny barbs remaining in your skin.
To treat a wasp sting, apply a cold compress to the affected area to reduce swelling. You will have some pain around the sting for a few days, and the injury itself will be tender to the touch. Don’t scratch the area as you may cause an infection.
Besides applying an anti-itch cream, you can turn to other insect bite treatments to reduce the irritation. If you have a meat tenderizer powder, you can combine the seasoning with water to form a paste. Apply the mixture to the sting to reduce swelling and itchiness.
If you’re allergic to wasp stings, you may have more serious symptoms like hives, sickness, or difficulty breathing. Quickly apply an EpiPen and visit an emergency medical service. Because allergic reactions can be life-threatening, always consult with a doctor for the proper treatment.
Bees are typically more docile than wasps, but don’t let their typically calm demeanor fool you! These flying insects can quickly turn hostile when they believe their hives are threatened or if you act aggressively toward them.
Bumblebees and carpenter bees aren’t likely to cause you harm, but a honey bee could become easily irritated. These bees will die after stinging you and leave their stingers inside your skin.
While the stuck appendage may frighten you, you can easily remove it by following these steps:
Never use tweezers to remove the stinger, as you may push venom further into your skin.
Thoroughly clean the bee sting with water and soap to remove any traces of the venom. You will experience residual pain following the sting, but avoid irritating the area. You can use an antihistamine cream to reduce swelling and itching.
If you’re allergic to bees, immediately seek medical attention. Never attempt to treat a bee sting at home if you experience serious symptoms, and visit a doctor if the bee sting doesn’t get better within a few days.
While spiders are arachnids, they can still bite like other pests that enter your home. For a spider insect bite treatment, you will want to identify the type of spider that bit you to treat your injury.
Typical spider bites can leave you feeling ill or cause significant swelling. Following a spider bite, you may also notice:
If you haven’t been bitten by a venomous spider, you can treat your bite at home. Always visit a doctor if you are unsure of the spider species or if you begin to develop an allergic reaction. Spider bites can quickly turn serious, and it’s better to be cautious.
The Centers for Disease Control suggests washing the spider bite, applying ice, and elevating the affected area. Use an antibiotic cream to aid with healing and avoid scratching the area.
If you have significant swelling, use a cold compress with an icepack or frozen vegetables wrapped in a towel. Don’t place the chilled material directly on your skin and only apply the compress sparingly.
However, if you are bitten by a venomous spider, you will have more symptoms and must treat the bites differently.
Typically located in Eastern areas of Washington state, black widow spiders are dangerous household pests.
A black widow spider bite isn’t inherently dangerous, but it can cause severe reactions for some. Young children and the elderly are more likely to experience intense symptoms.
Black widow spider bites share similar symptoms to other spider bites as you may experience fever, nausea, and pain. In addition, you could have body stiffness, cramps, dizziness, general weakness, and chest and abdominal pain.
Visit a doctor to receive proper treatment, and keep an eye on the bite to check for any additional changes. Your doctor may provide treatment, so follow their care instructions.
Unlike black widow spiders, there is a higher chance you’ll experience symptoms when one of these pests bites you. Brown recluse spiders do not reside in Washington state, so these pests won’t be a cause for concern for local residents.
Brown recluse spiders are located in many southern and midwestern states and are considered one of the most venomous spiders in the United States.
Once bitten by a brown recluse spider, you may notice pain, fever, and chills. Over a few days, you will have physical symptoms appear on or nearby the bitten area.
A brown recluse’s venom contains poisons that can destroy your skin. After a few days, an ulcer or wound will develop, and the surrounding skin will deteriorate. While this doesn’t occur with every brown recluse bite, people commonly experience skin necrosis.
While frightening, these wounds should heal within a month with the proper treatment. To avoid serious complications, always consult a medical professional about brown recluse bites.
Knowing the proper insect bite treatment can protect you in a pinch, but keeping insects away from your home will prevent nasty bites.
Don’t worry about battling aggressive wasps or dangerous spiders! With Zunex’s pest control treatments, we will remove any unsafe pests from your property. Contact us today to receive a free quote and reclaim the safety of your home.
By Allison Clayton