June 5, 2023

3 Homemade Moth Traps to Try Today!

Have you ever opened your pantry to find it crawling with small moths? If so, you're not alone. Indian meal moths are a common household pest that can quickly take over your food storage area if left unchecked.

In this blog post, we'll share tips and tricks for making homemade moth traps using common household items. 

These traps can help reduce the population of Indian meal moths in your home and prevent future infestations. So, roll up your sleeves, and let's get started on controlling those pesky pantry pests!

Apple Cider Vinegar Trap

Indian meal moths are common pantry pests that can quickly infest your stored food products. While prevention is key to keeping them at bay, if you do end up with an infestation, you may need to resort to trapping them.

One of the easiest and most effective traps you can make for Indian meal moths is an apple cider vinegar trap. The strong smell of the vinegar attracts the moths, and once they land in the liquid, they will drown and be unable to reproduce.

To make an apple cider vinegar trap for Indian meal moths, you will need the following:

  • A small bowl or jar
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Dish soap
  • Plastic wrap
  • Rubber band

Here are the steps to create your own homemade moth trap:

  1. Pour about an inch of apple cider vinegar into your small bowl or jar.
  2. Add a few drops of dish soap to the vinegar and mix it in. The dish soap will break the surface tension of the vinegar and make it easier for the moths to sink into the liquid.
  3. Cover the bowl or jar with plastic wrap and secure it in place with a rubber band. Ensure the wrap is tight and there are no gaps for the moths to escape.
  4. Poke a few small holes in the plastic wrap to allow the scent of the vinegar to escape.
  5. Place the trap in the area where you've noticed Indian meal moth activity. This is typically near your stored food products or in your pantry.
  6. Check the trap daily and dispose of any trapped moths. Refill the trap with fresh vinegar and dish soap as needed.

While an apple cider vinegar trap can effectively trap Indian meal moths, it's important to remember that it's only one piece of the puzzle to get rid of an infestation. You will also need to thoroughly clean and inspect your stored food products to remove any moth larvae or eggs, and consider using additional pest control methods as needed.

By taking a multi-pronged approach to tackle an Indian meal moth infestation, you can protect your pantry and keep your food safe from these pesky pests.

Homemade Moth Trap with Honey

Did you know you can make a homemade pantry moth trap with honey to help eliminate these pests?

To create this simple and effective trap, you only need a few materials you likely have around your home. To start, grab a small bowl or container, some honey, and a piece of paper or cardstock. 

After placing a small amount of honey in the bottom of the container, cut the paper or cardstock into a strip about one inch wide and three inches long. Fold the strip in half lengthwise and make a small hole in the middle of the folded edge. 

Thread a string or dental floss through the hole and tie a knot to create a loop. Dip the strip in honey and let it soak for a few minutes until fully coated.

Once your honey-coated strip is ready, place it in the container with the honey at the bottom. The sweet scent of honey will attract the pantry moths, and they will fly into the container to investigate. Once they land on the honey-coated strip, they'll become stuck and unable to fly away.

Pheromone Traps

Indian meal moths can be a pesky nuisance in the kitchen, but you can make a homemade moth trap with pheromones to help control their population. You only need a few simple materials, including a small container, a pheromone lure, and a sticky substance to trap the moths.

Choose a small container with a lid that is at least two inches deep. You can use a plastic or glass container, but ensure it has a tight-fitting lid to prevent the moths from escaping. Then, purchase an Indian meal moth pheromone lure, which can be found online or at most hardware or home improvement stores.

Next, apply the pheromone lure to a piece of cardboard or paper and place it in the bottom of the container. The pheromone lure will attract the male moths, who will become trapped in the container once they land on the sticky substance. You can use a sticky substance like petroleum jelly or glue to coat the bottom of the container, making it difficult for the moths to escape.

A handful of white and brown Indian meal moths stuck to the sticky end of a pheromone trap, on of the homemade moth traps previously discussed in this article

Once your trap is set, place it in an area where you've noticed Indian meal moth activity, such as near your pantry or food storage areas. The trap should be left in place for several weeks to ensure that you capture as many moths as possible.

When to Contact Zunex

Are you tired of opening your pantry only to find pesky moths fluttering around your food? Do you feel like you've tried every DIY solution, from a homemade moth trap to deep cleaning, but nothing seems to work? It's time to call in the experts at Zunex Pest Control.

At Zunex Pest Control, we understand how frustrating and inconvenient a pantry moth infestation can be. Our team of experienced professionals will conduct a thorough inspection to assess the extent of the infestation and develop a comprehensive plan to eliminate the moths and prevent them from coming back.

Don't let pantry moths take over your home. Contact Zunex Pest Control today to schedule an appointment and get back to enjoying your pantry without any unwanted guests. Our team is ready to help you reclaim your space and keep it pest-free for years to come.

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