July 11, 2023

Ants in Bed? Here's 3 Reasons Why!

There's nothing quite as unsettling as crawling into your cozy bed only to discover uninvited guests scurrying about—ants. While uncommon bed guests, ants can infest any area of your home, especially if you have attractants near your bedroom. 

But don’t worry! You don’t have to deal with ants in your bed for long. Keep reading to unravel the mystery behind these sneaky invaders and learn about practical solutions to keep these pests at bay. 

Food sources

Ants constantly search for food, driven by an instinctual need to gather colony resources. With their impressive sense of smell, ants can easily detect tiny crumbs or spills unseen to the human eye. 

If you've had any food in or near your bed, like snacks, fruits, or sugary drinks, it could be the primary reason ants find their way into your sleeping space. Once ants discover a potential food supply, they aren’t likely to stay away. 

Distributing pheromones as they forage, ants will leave clues to their colony mates where to find the goods. Unfortunately, even a single ant scouting for food near your bed can quickly result in a trail of ants invading your sleeping area.

However, avoiding ants in your bed is relatively easy! Keeping your bedroom and sleeping area free of food or drinks reduces the chances of an infestation. 

Avoid eating in bed, even if that means taking your latest streaming binge to the kitchen. Even the smallest food particle left behind can entice a stray ant or two. If you would still like to enjoy a snack while snuggled up in bed, diligently inspect your sheets and covers for any remaining food particles. 

For extra measure, vacuum and sweep around your bed regularly to remove remaining food debris on your floor or carpet. 

If your kitchen is near your bedroom, keep that area clean, too. Proper storage in your kitchen or pantry can keep ants from entering and branching throughout your home. Place all of your food items in airtight containers to minimize the risk of odors or crumbs escaping. 


Certain ant species, such as pharaoh ants and carpenter ants, can establish indoor nests in or around beds. Pharaoh ants, in particular, are notorious for nesting within wall voids, while carpenter ants tend to build their nests in water-damaged wooden structures.

If you suspect that ants are nesting in or around your bed, it's crucial to identify their entry points and take steps to eliminate them. 

Start by thoroughly inspecting your bed frame, mattress, and nearby furniture. Look for cracks, gaps, or openings that ants could use to access your bed. 

Pay close attention to areas where different parts of the bed frame join or where the structure meets the floor. Additionally, check for any signs of sawdust or wood shavings, which may indicate a carpenter ant infestation.

Once you've located potential entry points, seal them off using caulk, epoxy, or caulk. Here’s a great guide to indoor crack repair to help you with DIY home repairs!


Remember those pheromone trails we discussed? These chemicals are vital communication measures that keep colony members in touch across long distances. These trails serve as a guide, allowing ants to follow the scent and navigate to food sources or potential nesting areas. 

Ant trails on a long limb

If an ant scout discovers a promising resource near your bed, like food crumbs or a cozy nesting spot, it will lay down a pheromone trail to guide its fellow ants to the location.

To knock these pests off their trail, try to remove any lingering pheromone scent. While it’s not easy to locate these invisible areas, you can always keep an eye out for long lines of ants and scrub away at these locations. 

Vinegar neutralizes odors. Wipe down surfaces near your bed with a water and vinegar solution. Focus on areas where you've observed ants activity, such as baseboards, walls, or furniture near your bed.

Make it a habit to wipe down surfaces daily or as needed, especially after spotting ant activity. While effective, vinegar may not eliminate the entire colony or address the root cause of the infestation. If the ant problem persists or worsens, contact us here at Zunex Pest Control for an inspection and treatment!

Contact Us at Zunex!

If you've taken preventive measures and the ant won’t go away, it's advisable to consult a professional pest control service. Here at Zunex, we can identify the ant species, locate the source of the infestation, and employ targeted strategies to eliminate the problem effectively. 

Contact us today to eliminate the ants in your bed and keep your property free of these annoying pests!

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